The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being.
Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organisation, Geneva, 1948
Improving access to responsive and fair health services is a key strategy for fighting poverty and fostering development.
If you are involved in the health care sector, you understand the complexity of health systems. You know that to improve a health system's performance, you need:
And because these elements are interdependent, striving for improvements in health care is a real challenge.
We have a strong background in health care with experience in developing and managing health facilities. It means we can offer the kind of integrated consulting services you need to manage the system-wide approach necessary for success in this sector.
Just as for the individual, not having medical treatment for curable ailments constitutes poverty, similarly, for a country, not having adequate health arrangements is a part of underdevelopment.
Amartya Sen, Nobel Prize in Economics
Our work helps governments develop and implement priority programmes and conduct sector reforms. For example, our work in the Nad province of Indonesia helped rehabilitate and improve the organization of health care delivery post tsunami.
We put a strong emphasis on knowledge transfer, communication and teaching. Much of GITEC-IGIP GmbH’s work involves training. GITEC-IGIP GmbH also has experience in developing partnerships with the private sector, particularly in the areas of social marketing and HIV/AIDS workplace programs.
For example, we devised and implemented a social marketing programme alongside the Government of the Republic of Nambia to prevent sexually transmitted infections through the increased use of condoms.
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