
work for GITEC

Consulting ENGINEERS since 1977

Biodiversity and Sustainable Local Development in Armenia

GITEC-IGIP GmbH  has been shortlisted for the upcomoing Forestry Component of the KfW-financed project “Biodiversity and Sustainable Local Development” and is looking for national (i.e. Armenian) and international specialists with qualifications and expertise in natural resources management (especially sustainable forest management) and socio-economic development and professional experience from working in international financial cooperation projects in the Republic of Armenia, the Southern Caucasus region, East / Southeast Europe, and/or the former Soviet Union..

Basic Parameters
Country / CityProject StartDurationDeadline
Armenia / Yerevan and other locations in the countryEstimated to start end 2024/early 2025Long- and/or short-term positionsUntil filled

About the company

GITEC-IGIP GmbH is a leading consulting company for development and international cooperation projects. GITEC-IGIP’s multi-cultural team and global network of companies and offices around the world has more than five decades of professional experience across four continents. Our companies lead mainly publicly financed projects in international cooperation. We are constantly looking for high-profile consultants. For more details, please regularly visit our web site


The project:


With financing provided by the Government of Germany, the project will focus on establishing sustainable forest management and forest sanctuary governance. In particular, the project will invest into a forest areas inventory, land-use planning, forest areas boundary demarcation, forest management planning, infrastructure and equipment of forest enterprises, business planning, and a forest management information system. The project will also assess the potential of reforestation with indigenous tree and shrub species, promote community-based forest management approaches, and invest in enhancing the capacities of Armenia’s forest management bodies. Not least, the project will support socio-economic development in the vicinity of forest areas and biodiversity hotspots, e.g., by strengthening community participation and engagement, introducing sustainable grazing practices, promoting eco-tourism, and reducing firewood consumption through improved insulation of houses, promotion of energy-efficient stoves and alternative sources of energy, and proper firewood drying methods.


We are looking for the following specialists:

• Team Leader / Project Management Specialist
• Forester / Forestry Specialist / Community Forestry Specialist
• Socio-economist
• Community Participation and Engagement Specialist
• Institutional Development / Capacity Building Specialist
• Environmental, Social, Health and Safety Specialist


Minimum qualifications and experience

• Relevant advanced university degree (MSc / equivalent or higher)
• Minimum 7 years of relevant professional experience
• Experience from working in Armenia, the Southern Caucasus, East / Southeast Europe, and / or the former Soviet Union
• Experience from working on financial cooperation projects supported by international donors like KfW, ADB, World Bank, etc.
• Full proficiency in English language and ability to prepare / contribute to project reports

If you are interested

Please send us an email containing your most recent English CV, copies of relevant diplomas and employers‘ certificates including full contact details, fee expectations (per day / per month) and details on availability only directly to:

Quoting the Job ref. no.: CNR_ArmeniaBioDiv_05/2024

Please note that we can only consider candidates who meet the required criteria!

Apply online

We would be glad to receive your candidacy.

Please send us:
  • Your most recent English CV (KfW, GIZ or EU format) including full contact details, fee expectations and details on availability
  • Copies of relevant diplomas
  • Employee certificates

Haven't found the right position? Don't hesitate to send us your CV anyway.
We're always on the look-out for talented experts. Just write SPONTANEOUS in the Job reference field above.

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