New public toilet at the bus station in gitega
IGIP, as leading consultant, with VSI Afrique (DR Congo) and Hygecel (Burundi) have been awarded a new contract in Burundi for the “Investment” component of a urban water and sanitation programme.
Burundi is a small country in the African Great Lakes region. With a population of about 8.75 inhabitants, Burundi has one of the highest population densities in Africa; and one of the lowest per capita incomes in the world. Political conflicts in the 90s and 00s have left the country’s infrastructure, in particular in the field of water and sanitation, neglected and damaged. Around 60% of the population has access to drinking water. Access to adequate sanitation is around 33% in urban areas and drops to 13% in rural zones.
Under the supervision of the Ministry of water, energy and mines, the State water and electricity utility, REGIDESO, has been responsible for reconstruction and improving the provision of water and related services throughout the country. With the help of the German Government, REGIDESO is carrying out the Programme SecEau of which IGIP’s newly awarded project is a part.
The project covers Urban Water Supply, Urban Sanitation and Hygiene Education. Alongside the design, tendering and construction supervision for the new WSS systems, the teams lead by IGIP will also carry out environmental and social impact assessments and tariff studies in order to provide environmentally- and socially-sound and sustainable systems. To further improve the project’s outcomes, our regional and international experts will develop concerted action plans that involve all the relevant stakeholders and seek to avoid and resolved conflicts, for example concerning water use. Targeted marketing and communication strategies for the different towns will be developed, as well as training sessions and awareness campaigns. One of the major aims of the project is to strengthen the technical and management skills of REGIDESO.